The top nine industries at risk for cyber attacks are:

  1. Financial Services: Banks, credit unions, and financial institutions are prime targets due to the potential for financial gain and access to sensitive customer data.
  2. Healthcare: Hospitals, clinics, and healthcare organizations are vulnerable because they store valuable medical records and personal data, which can be sold or used for identity theft.
  3. Government: Government agencies, at all levels, are targeted for cyber espionage, data theft, and disruption to critical infrastructure.
  4. Retail: Retailers are at risk due to the large number of customer transactions and the valuable financial information they handle.
  5. Manufacturing: The manufacturing industry is targeted for intellectual property theft, industrial espionage, and supply chain disruption.
  6. Technology: Technology companies are at risk due to the value of their intellectual property and their role in providing essential services.
  7. Education: Educational institutions are targeted for data breaches, financial fraud, and identity theft.
  8. Energy: The energy sector is at risk due to the critical infrastructure it operates, which can be targeted for disruption or sabotage.
  9. Transportation: Transportation companies and systems are targeted for their sensitive data and potential to cause disruptions.

While these industries face higher risks, all organisations should prioritise cybersecurity to protect against cyber attacks and safeguard their assets and sensitive information.