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Cyber Security

  1. February 03, 2023

    The Top 9 Industries at Risk For Cyber Attacks

    The top nine industries at risk for cyber attacks are:

    1. Financial Services: Banks, credit unions, and financial institutions are prime targets due to the potential for financial gain and access to sensitive customer data.
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  2. August 30, 2022

    How to Prepare For Your Next Penetration Test

    Preparing for your next penetration test involves several essential steps to ensure a successful and effective assessment of your organisation's security. Here's a comprehensive guide:

    • Define Objectives: Clearly outline the goals and scope of the penetration test. Decide which systems, networks, or applications
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  3. June 28, 2022

    The Most Common Types Of Network Vulnerabilities

    The most common types of network vulnerabilities include:

    • Weak Passwords: Passwords that are easy to guess or are not strong enough can provide unauthorized access to network resources.
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